Engineer Esperanza A. Sajul, Assistant Director, Environmental Management Bureau and Chief, Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Section of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, delivers the Philippine country statement at the high level segment of MOP 35
NAIROBI, 31 October 2023 – The Philippine delegation joined over 600 participants in attending the 35th Meeting of the Parties of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (MOP 35) on 23-27 October 2023 in Nairobi.
At the meeting, Parties agreed to replenish the Multilateral Fund (MLF) to implement the Protocol in the amount of USD 965 million for the period 2024-2026. The MLF assists developing countries in implementing their obligations under the Protocol and its Kigali Amendment by transitioning away from harmful greenhouse gases and substances with high global warming potential.
During the week-long discussions, the Philippines reiterated its firm commitment to the Montreal Protocol and shared its achievements in phasing out harmful substances. The Philippines also highlighted the importance of adequate financial resources and capacity-building to ensure continued implementation of the terms of the Kigali Amendment.
MOP 35 saw the parties convening at the seat of the Ozone Secretariat for the first time in 20 years. END
Philippine delegates with UNEP Ozone Secretariat Deputy Executive Secretary Maria Socorro Manguiat (third from left)